Discover some of our skin-smart, natural Ingredients:


Shea Butter is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but what really sets it apart is its power to control the skin’s moisture. With its high concentration of fatty acids and vitamins, it creates a soft and smooth barrier on your skin that seals in moisture for several hours. Shea Butter has also proven that it can keep your skin from aging and get rid of wrinkles on your skin.


The golden oil is a great source of antioxidants and vitamin E. You know what that means? It means it will keep your skin looking young and shiny! You can use it to protect any sort of skin type against bacteria, as it creates a protective barrier over your skin. Sunflower oil has emollient properties that help the skin retain its moisture.


Glycerin is type of moisturizing agent as it attracts water to itself. Glycerin plays an important role in managing the distribution of moisture in different layers of your skin. Once it is applied to the skin through any of our products, it brings the moisture to the outer layers of your skin, by moving it from the lower skin layers and also by absorbing moisture from the air.


The tasty peach is an incredible source of vitamins for our skin. The vitamins and anti-oxidants found in peach can help keep your skin young and promote a healthier, softer looking skin. The vitamin C and E in it can also help heal wounds faster than usual! So if you want to get rid of bruises quick, peach is the way!


Now avocado oil is something you don’t want to miss out if you are getting inflammations on your skin! It is an incredible antimicrobial, anti-oxidants, and anti-inflammatory moisturizer that can calm your skin quickly and quite tastefully! So it can easily help fight against skin conditions and keep your skin smooth as silk!


Another great tool to stop your skin from aging is Rosehip. It helps fight against spots and wrinkles on your skin and gets rid of them by improving collagen levels. In addition to high amounts of antioxidants in Rose Hip Oil, It is also known to be a great moisturizer! Rosehip delivers and distributes great amounts of moisture to your skin and keeps it looking fresh all the time.


Pink Peonies are the savior you’ve been looking for! This botanical wonder has a way of protecting our precious skin against UV radiations and the free radical damages caused by it. It is also a great source of anti-oxidants that can soothe your skin and help get rid of skin conditions or inflammations.


French vanilla, aside from its incredible warm vanilla scent, is mostly used to help control redness and inflammations of the skin. It can also prepare your skin for a skin care routine. Vanilla has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to soothe and calm irritated skin. Vanilla has been used to reduce skin infections and in wound healing. Vanilla Bean Extract contains Vanillin, a polyphenol with powerful anti-oxidant properties.


The Japanese skincare secret that will give you the best complexion ever! This botanical wonder is here to boost your skin! It is a great source of anti-oxidant which can gracefully soothe your skin. The cherry blossom is also very rich in essential fatty acids that maintain a natural barrier over your skin to protect it and promote a smoother skin. It can also get rid of toxins in your skin to leave it bright and shiny!


Rice bran oil is the oil extracted from the hard outer brown layer of rice called chaff. If you’re looking to set the tone of your skin -pun intended! - Then rice bran oil is the way to go! This oil has the potential to promote hydration, reduce pigmentation, even out skin tones, and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These skin benefits of rice bran oil are largely attributed to the high level of vitamin E, vitamin B, omega-9, a rich array of fatty acids.


Did you know that honey isn’t the only thing that bees make? Bees also produce a compound called propolis from the sap on needle-leaved trees or evergreens. Propolis is commonly used for its healing, antiseptic and restorative capabilities. Propolis will assist in balancing, healing and soothing problematic skin. It also accelerates the rate of cell growth and decongests pores.

Grape Seeds Oil

Have you ever thought of using grape seed oil in your skin care routine? Grapeseed oil contains powerful antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids that work together to combat your skin issues. It's safe to use on all skin types since it's non-comedogenic, and has a mild scent. It also contains Vitamin E, which is hydrating your skin and could be use in daily skin care routine with its anti-inflammatory benefits!


Everyone knows about Argan Oil! Argan oil is a plant oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree that is endemic to Morocco. This magical oil can moisturize and hydrate your skin properly to make it much softer and smoother. It is easily absorbed by your skin and will not leave a greasy residue behind, making sure that all the nutrients are fed to your skin. It is also a great source of antioxidants that can keep your skin looking fresh all the time!


Known for its anti-aging, soothing, and antioxidant properties, green tea boasts a plethora of benefits for the skin both by drinking it and applying it topically. This natural antioxidant soothes and protects the skin while offering sebum control. As an anti-inflammatory ingredient, green tea can also help with reducing signs of redness and hypersensitivity. Incorporating this ingredient to the skincare regimen can be helpful for all types of skin.


Seaweeds are a potentially rich source of amino acids (like glycine) and natural antioxidants (like vitamin C), which promote collagen production to smooth lines and give the appearance of plumper, more youthful-looking skin. It is a very powerful concentration of seawater and is able to uptake minerals by absorption and active transport from seawater. Rich in polysaccharides such as alginic acid, seaweed can also help to lock moisture into our skin.


Papaya Enzyme has exfoliating, anti-wrinkle and acne control properties that can provide a younger-looking, smoother and toned skin surface. On top of that, Papaya will give the skin moisture that can help you battle dry and flaky skin. Daily topical use of papaya-infused products will help you achieve more radiant, smoother, and healthier skin in no time.


Baobab oil is basically a multi-vitamin for your skin! It is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamin A, B, and C, along with omega 3, 6, and 9, fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. The wonderful regenerative properties of this oil can help you with softening and toning skin imperfections. In addition to all of that it has anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in soothing sensitive and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.


This multi-functional tropical oil can soothe and soften the skin. In addition to that it promotes the formation of new tissue and healthy skin. It also has a soothing effect on inflammatory skin conditions like dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema and deeply moisturizes dry skin. Say goodbye to your acne or acne scars as this magical oil can treat acne and helps reduce and speed up the healing process of scars.